Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bryant Randolph presents the line!

I've been slacking for a while this year, and I think it's time to turn over a new leaf. I am or will be a changed man. For those who know me, understand what I mean.
Original Concept Designs is a new way I can show case my art. The name is not a brand, but just like it states, Thats what I'm doing. Concept work thats originally done.
Before the new year, a couple of projects I will be working on will range from custom designed skate boards to a series of custom New Era leather fitted. Some of my work will be for sale, but no price will be presented. Tell me what it's worth. I need the feed back. How much would one pay for one of a kind original from Me.
I do this for the love, not the money. I simple love the arts. I rarely paint on canvas, and to be honest I havent done so is years. I look at the world to be my canvas.
Going up in the City, help feed my interest in graffiti. I know most of the names/tags/posted ups/bombs in Philadelphia. I know these writers not personal (some I do) but artisticly. I myself see graffiti in a different way. In high school, I created my own style of mixing the tradition rules of painting real objects, with graffiti influence and a Comic book rendition of lines. This meaning, most of work consisted of personified real objects, rendered in detailed, but still having a black outline.

I paint on Shirts, Shoes, Sneakers, Boots(check out the new style of customization)
Hats, Bats, Hoodies, Brushes...more projects in the making...

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